Association of Social Work Boards Masters (ASWB MSW) Practice Exam 2024 - Free ASWB MSW Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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What concept is central to Object Relations Theory?

Operant conditioning

Early childhood recycling

Attachments and early relationships

Object Relations Theory is a psychological approach that focuses on how our relationships with others shape our understanding of ourselves. Option C, "Attachments and early relationships", is the central concept because it highlights the importance of our early relational experiences and how they impact our psychological development. Option A, "Operant conditioning", is incorrect because it is a concept from behaviorism that focuses on how behavior is shaped by rewards and punishments. Option B, "Early childhood recycling", is not a known concept and does not align with the key principles of Object Relations Theory. Option D, "Striving for societal approval", may touch on some themes in Object Relations Theory, but it is not the central concept and does not capture the complexity of this psychological approach.

Striving for societal approval


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